Skin-Related Fibromyalgia Symptoms

Published: // Updated: March 13, 2021

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There are a number of skin-related fibromyalgia symptoms. It is estimated that 70 to 80 percent of people with fibromyalgia have some sort of skin-related symptoms. Some common complaints include dry skin, itching and burning skin, rashes, mottled skin and bruising. Some of these skin-related fibromyalgia symptoms can make sleeping more difficult, and increase pain and fatigue. Skin problems can also make it hard to choose clothes to wear.

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Studies have shown there is a lot going on under the skin’s surface when you have fibromyalgia. Researchers have found there are excessive sensory nerve fibers in the palms of the hands of women with fibromyalgia. Research has also shown that an elevated level of immune-reactive proteins exists just beneath the skin’s surface.

One Swedish research group found there are four times the number of mast cells in the skin tissues of those with fibromyalgia. Mast cells are generated by the immune system and contain substances such as histamine and cytokines. Both of which, may be responsible for causing skin irritations and painful reactions.

With all that is going on just beneath the skin, it’s not difficult to understand how someone with fibromyalgia might suffer from rashes and itching or burning skin.

There are a number of different types of skin-related symptoms that occur in fibromyalgia. Many of them are present alongside one another or become chronic problems. Skin-related fibromyalgia symptoms include the following:

  • Dry Skin – Many people with fibromyalgia are plagued with dry, cracked skin. Dry flaky skin can appear anywhere on the body, but it particularly affects the hands and fingers. Sometimes this dry skin will begin to peel and cause pain and discomfort.
  • Itchy Skin – Itchy skin is usually one of the most common skin complaints among those with fibromyalgia. Of course dry skin and rashes can make your skin itch but most often, with fibromyalgia, it occurs without any obvious cause. It is known as a sensory itch and has to do with how our body interprets pain signals.
  • Rashes – People with fibromyalgia often complain of skin rashes. The typical rash associated with fibromyalgia is red and can be flat or raised and bumpy. In some cases, there is also itchiness. Scratching or sun exposure can make the rash burn.
  • Mottled Skin – The skin of fibromyalgia sufferers often begins to change color, appearance, or tone. Mottled skin is due to blood vessel changes in the skin that cause a blotchy appearance. These blotches can appear anywhere on the body, particularly on the inside of the forearms and thighs.
  • Bruising – Many of us with fibromyalgia experience unexplained bruising. I often end up with bruises on my arms, legs and other areas of the body and don’t remember bumping into anything.
  • Painful Skin (Allodynia)Allodynia is a fairly rare type of pain in which your skin hurts. Allodynia is believed to be a hypersensitive reaction to temperature and stimuli that wouldn’t normally cause pain. Even a light touch to the skin can be unbearable.

If you struggle with intense itching, red rashes or see a huge bruise that you have no memory of creating, you are not alone. These are not symptoms that you would naturally link to fibromyalgia, but they are connected.

I considered myself fortunate because I never experienced skin pain. My clothing or bedding irritated me, but I never experienced pain from someone touching me. That all changed this summer when my skin began stinging and burning. It’s from head to toe…my scalp, face, arms, legs, body, even my eyelids.

If you suffer from skin pain, you may want to read this post about Allodynia.

Do you have any tips for dealing with any skin-related symptoms, or just want to vent? Please leave a comment below.

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131 thoughts on “Skin-Related Fibromyalgia Symptoms”

  1. I know exactly what you mean Sue. Skin pain will come and go for me. I noticed a traveling sensation like a sunburn on legs, thighs, and arms. It usually stays for about 4-5 days, then either moves or abates for a time only to come back. So weird. One of the many adventures of the ‘Fibro Clan’! 🙂

    • Fibro is an adventure for sure. I am thinking temperature and humidity have something to do with it for me. Maybe that’s just wishful thinking, guess I will find out when winter gets here.

    • Hello everyone! I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia about 5 yrs ago, and it is getting worst for me. I get this rash below my knees. Sleep is a huge problem for me. I get this burning sensation all over feet. Sometimes it feels like something is crawling all over feet. I was taking gabapentin but, never helped. I get lots of headaches. I avoid complaining. It is about 1:41a.m. and i am still up with pain. Any suggestion will help. Thank you!

  2. I can relate to all of the above symptoms. My doctor took a scraping a few days ago for testing/diagnosis. Hopefully, the test results will show why I have a rash on my thighs and forearm. I have found that prescription triamcinolone helps with some of the rashes, mainly on my forehead and hands. My previous doctor told me unexplained bruising is part of aging, but I find it hard to believe I could have as many bruises as I do without banging into things is from aging.

    • HI, Amelia. I hope you get an answer for your rash. Some doctors want to blame almost everything on aging. I have a woman doctor who is around my age now. Age rarely comes up now. I always have bruises which are unexplained.

        • Same here, I get a very small bump and it itches then it turns into several small itchy bumps together. When I scratch it it turns bright red and bruises for a week or better. This itching is driving me crazy

          • My itchy red blisters like that were caused by my nickel intake in my diet. If I limit coffee, tea, chocolate, and nuts, my rash disappears as do most of my Fibro symptoms. Been dealing with that for almost 13 years.

    • Iam venting and thank you ahead of time. I am in constant pain. It gets worse every year. Now my hips shoot pain down my legs into my calves and I sleep maybe 3 hours a night sometimes not at all. I am in physical therapy now it appears to help a litte. I have horrible skin issues on my scalp none of the foams the doc game me or dandruff shampoos work. I have rashes all over my arms, back and some strange red sore that was very small and now it’s the size of a quarter. My doc sent me for a biopsy it’s not cancer but it seems to get better than then the burning itching comes back.

      I can sleep at the drop of a hat anywhere anytime except at night. My fatigue level is like 100%. I use heating pads at night creams medications ok so my point is no one understandshould how miserable I am. My roommate thinks I’m a baby. She has fibromyalgia and never complains about a thing. I don’t understand why I can’t get any empathy and then i feel worse and question is all of this pain and fatigue not really going on? I mean I sleep so much because I’ve been up all night because I can’t sleep lol! Not really funny but I’m tired of being questioned why are you so tired, why do you stay home all the time why this and that.

      When I respond about my pain I get the response well why am I not surprised.

      I just want to scream BECAUSE I HURT ALL THE TIME I’M TIRED! Right now it’s noon I just want to sleep my pain level is a 4. I anyone has any direction regarding how to communicate better or I don’t know. I would like to be believed in getting some understanding in my relationships.

      • Hi, Bonnie. I am so sorry you are going through this. I used to be like your roommate. My symptoms were mild and I couldn’t understand why some people were so much worse off than I was. I am ashamed of some of the thoughts I had and the judgments I made back then. Now, I am older, (hopefully) wiser, and in a hell of a lot more pain. I realize now that we may have similar symptoms but fibro affects us all differently at different times in our life. We have no control over what other people say, do, or think. But we can change how we respond to it.

        Bonnie, I want you to stop beating yourself up. It is not your fault that your symptoms are more severe than someone else’s. I know this is easier said than done. Find someone you can talk to. For me, it was easier to talk to a counselor than a friend or family member. Talking with a counselor didn’t make me feel guilty or self-centered. It was all about me and working out my feelings. That is what I was paying for. It was the best thing I ever did.

        If you are not getting good quality sleep at night, you are going to be fatigued and in more pain during the day. My doctor knows that good sleep is the primary symptom I want help with and is often the focus of our visit. Pain and other symptoms are secondary.

        Since nothing the doctor is giving you is helping with the skin issues, have you considered allergies? Whenever I am exposed to scented products, it affects my skin first. I can only use certain brands of laundry, dish, and bath soaps. Also, food allergies can affect the skin.

        Last May I went to my granddaughter’s high school graduation, first, my face, neck, and scalp started stinging and then I had a severe asthma attack. I was diagnosed with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity. I had to clean my house from top to bottom and get rid of as many chemicals as possible. Every time I leave the house it’s a gamble because I can’t control what I am exposed to. It really made me depressed for a while and I am still battling the fatigue.

        Take care of yourself, most important be kind to yourself, and always know that venting is welcome here.

      • I am the same way. I hurt all the time. Can’t touch my arms or legs they hurt so bad. Fatigue is horrible, I have NO energy to do nothing, stay so tired all the time. I had knee surgery 6 months ago, still having problems from that. Now so depressed , getting headache, impossible to work with no energy and NO sleep.. !!! Help!!!

      • God love you Bonnie. Believe me I understand completely as what you have just described is me also!!! I’m tired out trying to explain and it’s so isolating isn’t it. If you ever want to talk/ rant feel free always here to listen and empathise.
        Best wishes sue

      • I would reconmend Dermol cream it is brillant . And would have dettol baths and theres a brillant dettol soap too and hibi scrub x

  3. After years of no one believing me, I am finally vindicated with a fibro diagnosis. Yet, people still don’t believe I have this legitamate disease. Anyway, my legs, below the knee, are always on fire with itching. My legs itch so much I itch them until I bleed. My legs are so dry due this constant scratching. It’s maddening. And, my issue absolutely seems worse at night which keeps me up. I find myself grabbing sharp objects to satisfy these itches; forks, nail clippers, knives, earring posts….anything that is on-hand. Okay, I am don’t venting.

    • Hi Jennifer. Sad to say but there will always be people who don’t believe us or our diagnosis. I have gotten to the point where I just don’t care and am not willing to spend time with those people. I have even walked out on a doctor in the middle of my appointment because she was so condescending. I itch sometimes but never to the extreme you are experiencing. I sometimes take Benadryl, use over-the-count cortisone cream for the itching. Have you told your doctor how bad the itching is? He or she may be able to prescribe something. Vent here anytime. 🙂

      • Hi sue. My name is Jenny also have fibro. I just recently started breaking out on my legs, arms, stomach. Well just all over really. I went to the doctor and she said” you are allergic to something you have come in contact with” This was the first time this has happened to me. Small bumps with red all over then turned blue. Now I am peeling like a burn. My husband even ask if I’ve been to the tanning bed. But no I have not. It itches with burning. I hope this is the last episode of this. Thanks with all the comments.

        • Hi Regina,

          I haven’t been diagnosed with Fibro, but I’ve been suffering for more than 4 years now. I kept having all these symptoms and no relief and no answers. The GP sent me to the Rheumatologist and then I self referred to an ENT and now an allergy doc. I am 45 and have 10 different scripts from 4 different doctors and no relief! I broke out in a rash last fall that looked like chicken skin. It was raised red and painful similar to heat rash. I’d been cutting gluten out (and then decided I could eat it again after being off of it for a while) and my body freaked out and I broke out in hives for 3 days straight until I could get med. attention. I got a a steroid shot and was directed to take zyrtec, benadryl and pepcid (each is a histamine blocker that blocks a different histamine). This is a typical protocol when you have idiopathic (unknown cause) hives. I was in sooooo much pain that I was scratching until I bled and I thought I would loose my mind! The hives were all over my body but started out on my palms and the soles of my feet! The skin at all these “hot spots” was red and felt sunburned and irritated. The allergist said it sounds like a job for the rheumatologist and the rheumo. never returned my call! The shot/meds finally helped but my life was derailed for a week! It’s not been until recently when I discover info. on Pinterest of all places that listed every symptom I’ve had and generally has confirmed that I dealing with a fibro issue here!! I’m new at this but since my last body freak out I’ve avoided gluten like the devil and I’ve been feeling much much better. I’ve also cut down on anything alcohol which makes me seem to turn red and blotchy. I think knowing trigger and avoiding them is key. I’ve scheduled an allergy test today just to see if there are true underlying triggers that an allergist can treat with shots. I’ve changed laundry detergent to a clear non scented. I’ve also noticed in the winter is the humidity insides dips too low my skin gets super dry and irritated so I have a humidity meter and try to keep the house at a healthy level.

    • I’ve had fibro forever…My Dr recently proscribed hydroxyzine to me, for anxiety. It is an antihistamine that can be used for off label purposes I guess…. I’m just wondering if your doctor has considered it for your itching?

      • I have been taking hydroxyzine forever. It does not do much, but more than Benadryl. I have three first cousins with a fibro dx that I can not seem to get. The more I read the more I know that’s what it is, and yes I do have arthritis as well, but I think there’s something else. It’s either rheumatoid arthritis or psoriatic arthritis because I am, in fact, autoimmune. It’s frustrating getting a doc to believe what you’re saying and that you’re not a nut job. I’m an RN and still can’t seem to get the respect my 25 years of service. I need to find the right doctor. Pain management etc, I just can’t deal anymore with the skin issues, the fatigue, and the pain. It’s horrid. God bless all y’all and I hope you have a good day! ????

        • Hi. I take hydroxyzine, as well, for itchiness. It is better than Benadryl, but now that all these docs are going au naturelle – it’s hard to get someone to prescribe pain medication for this condition. I was taking 1600 mg. of Ibuprofen at a whack, but it caused me to “bleed” internally and the dr. told me to quit. But, now I can’t find a Dr. who will prescribe pain meds who accepts my insurance. I’m changing insurance on the 15th of this month, because Humana is crap. Thanks for letting me vent today. I’ve had it with this pain and no help!!

          • Have you tried cannabis? It helps with my fibromyalgia and arthritis without the problems of addiction. I will NEVER resort to opioid pain meds when I have a natural alternative I can grow myself.

    • OMG ive been able to live with the pain fatigue loss of libido brain fog but the itchy skin keeps me up all night! Its there during the day too, tickling skin i cant ignore but at night when i’m trying to sleep is the worst! I have noticed it tends to be in same spots, like back of left leg, top of right arm type of thing. My hair on my neck pricks my skin even though my hair is soft. Even my ass itches. The sheets feel soft to the touch yet end up feeling rough in the night. That along with anxiety and constantly feeling like I have to pee and nightly and daily restless legs is making my life miserable. Going to work is hell, i’m too tired from lack of sleep and irritable. I eat healthy, workout every other day at least and do stretches throughout the day. Other than the itching I think the restless legs are the worst. The product “restful legs works sometimes as well as ibuprofen although I got an ulcer from taking too many ibuprofen and drinking too much coffee in the morning just to be able to function at work. I’m somewhat relieve to find that the itching is a side effect of fibro cuz I don’t have a rash, just feel like someone is tickling me with tiny feathers but so much that it drives me crazy. I have no insurance and can’t afford a doctor. I’m going to try benadryl again and see if it helps (tried years ago ) wish I could afford ambien to knock me out every night. I took it years ago when my son was still at home and I had medicare. It was awesome, I could sleep regular hours and have energy during the day. I was able to keep my weight down as a result.

      • Coffee can cause fibro flare ups, so while it may seem helpful to get you through the day, it could be the very factor in what is making it hard for you to sleep.

      • My mum suffers with R.Arthritis and burning skin rashes that itch like you all describe, my sister has fibromyalgia and is having terrible muscle pain that stops her in her tracks and i am going through numerous tests as my symptoms are widespread, from brain fog, itchy skin, restless legs AND arms, gastro-related symptoms ie paraesthesia of the gut, abdominal lesions that start as dry cracked skin but become infected as im T1diabetic. Our link between these varying symptoms was brought about after all of us over the past 5 years were hospitalised with sepsis. Having read your comment on the culprits being laundry soap etc, all 3 of us were informed about a couple of cytotoxins that are in so many daily cleaning, laundry, shower/bath personal care products and cosmetics, even mouthwashes, that are known to cause Allergic Contact Dermatitis and also possible nerve/neurological damage. These ingredients are: Methylisothiazolinone combined with Methylchloroisothiazolinone. (sorry long words) Ive looked online and Wikipedia and it proves quite an eye opener. I commented about my mum & sisters symptoms because apparently there is a genetic link within the RA family medical history. I use Atarax 2x25mg tablets at night for itching and paracetamol for restless legs but also keeping legs and arms warm seems to help during the day.

        • Hello, could you elaborate on the cytotoxins your referring to? Methylchloroisothiazolinone? I was diagnosed with Fibro and Chronic Fatigue 30 years ago. I’ve learned to deal with aches, pain, and exhaustion. My issue is a skin burning sensation from stress, heat, allergens such as polyester, chlorine, and cocoa powder, but mostly to the sun. I’m now totally intolerate to sunlight. I’ve been tested for EVERYTHING, so it’s not another disease. Now I’m looking at what else I’m exposed to that could be causing all of this.

          Thank you!

        • Wow your family sounds like mine and you’re right about the allergens. I can’t eat processed food. I have to eat freshly so to speak. It does run in families as it’s also an autoimmune disorder and yep I have that and a type 1 latex allergy. God bless. Hope you and yours are feeling better.

    • I can relate to this intense itching that feels like you need to scratch to the bone. This intense itching started this past fall. My doctor said it’s dry skin. Now I have scarring, bad scarring on my legs and my arms.? When the doctor saw it he sent another consult to the dermatologist who didn’t seem to believe in fibromyalgia rashes. !!! My beautiful arms and legs are no more. … It’s a very hard disease to live with.
      It is slowly taking away my life.!!

      • Hi, Shelley. It must be nice to pick and choose what you believe about fibromyalgia and its symptoms. Too bad we don’t have that option. The rashes I get are usually an allergic reaction. The biggest culprits are laundry soap, bath soap, and certain things in the air. My skin itches a lot even when there is no rash. By accident, I found that baking soda helps for itching. A while back I started adding a little baking soda to my shampoo because it is supposed to make your hair feel thicker. I don’t think it helped thicken my hair but I noticed that whenever I skipped the baking soda my scalp was itchy. So now I keep a waterproof container of baking soda in the shower and add little to my shampoo, facial cleaner, and bath soap. It has really cut down on the itching. Might be worth a try.

        • I never thought about baking soda. I’m gonna give it a shot! Thanks, Sue. My dermatologist said for me to take 2 Allegra in the morning and 2 at night along with 3 Hydroxyzine before I go to bed. The RA specialist the regular doc sent me to said I didn’t have Fibro (Ha!!!!) I hope she starts to itch just so she knows what a freakin’ nightmare this is!!!

        • I have Cheryl. A few spots…My ankle and the tops of my toes. It’s insane. At first I thought my shoe rubbed my ankle the wrong way. It won’t go away. It literally is dark brown and almost callus feeling. Nothing I do will soften it or make it change color. Same with my toes. Brown and rough. I’ve literally used a pumice sponge to scrub to no end to smooth the skin and it hasn’t worked. I have no clue.

    • I have the exact same thing…my shins used to be beautiful, now they are scared, bruised, still itchy …especially aftrr i eat, or am in the sun, covered in flakey raised scars that just peel of patches of skin then bleed it weep

  4. I have developed severe psoriasis on my scalp and it is itchy to the extreme. Has anyone experienced this type is skin irritation with their fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome?

    • Hi, Heidi. I don’t suffer from psoriasis myself but many people with fibromyalgia do. I recently wrote a review about Hemp CBD lotion made by The Fay Farm. It helps with pain and skin conditions. A fellow chronic illness blogger also reviewed the lotion. She has psoriasis on her scalp and has pictures of before and after she used the lotion. It looked like the psoriasis was completely gone. You can see the pictures on her blog.

    • Yes Heidi I have bumps then I scratch them and they bleed it’s aweful!! The derm doc gave me a foam with steroid in it and it makes it worse! I use dandruff shampoo that has conditioner in it and focus on massaging my scalp then i don’t risnce it out until I use my regular color safe shampoo ON MY HAUR ONLY and it’s almost gone! For me the dandruff shampoo goes on my scalp and a moisturizing shampoo on my hair.

      I comb my hair in the shower and rinse well. I also use coconut organic oil on my scalp massage and massage it in. Iv cut down to washing my hair every 3 days and the night before I shampoo I really use the oil and massage it into my scalp leave it in overnight. It has really helped.

      My next problem are the bumpy red rashes on my shoulders, arms and calves. I’m putting on coconut oils, caster oils lotions like 10 x’s a day. ITS NOT GOING AWAY!

      This red concave bump grows larger every month it’s red, itchy, bleeds, crusts over then calms down for a day or so and it starts all over again. My derm doc has done 2 biopsys not cancer. I need to go again I can live like this. So much pain and no one believes me.

      Thanks Sue and everyone.

    • Yes! My itching is way worse when the pain gets worse. Rash seems to spread as my pain spreads. Mostly on my torso and upper limbs. Seems so unfair sometimes.

  5. Going crazy with this itching – getting worse! Don’t know what to do! I recently purchased a Quell machine for my back pain, and it seemed to help that, but I wonder if it has made my itching worse. I have not been diagnosed with Fibro yet, but I have ALL of the symptoms. A nurse practitioner told me last week that Doctors call it fibromyalgia when they don’t know what it is. My doctor told me that it was fibromyalgia the last two visits to him. I go see a Neurosurgeon in November and maybe he will tell me the truth.

    • Since the Quell stimulates the nerves I suppose it is possible it could make the itching worse but I can’t say for sure. I find such relief from my Quell I would hate to stop using it. I can only use certain brands of dish soap, laundry soap, and bath soap or the itching is unbearable. Taking Benedryl helps with itching and so does taking a warm bath with one cup baking soda and/or apple cider vinegar. Since the symptoms of fibromyalgia are similar to other health conditions most doctors don’t give a fibromyalgia diagnosis until they rule everything else out. My doctor was very familiar with fibromyalgia because her mother has it so in my case, I was diagnosed first and everything else was ruled out by a rheumatologist after that. I hope you get some answers soon. Take care!

  6. Has anyone gotten what looks like lots of mosquito bites all over? It started over a week ago with just 3, but now they’re all over my body. It doesn’t look like a rash, more like bites. They’re not in big clumps, more spread out, but there are a couple of places where there are small groups of 3 to 6 in a smaller area. I went to the ER last night and the PA said he didn’t think they were actual bites, but he had no idea what they are. I’m just looking for answers because they itch like crazy (he didn’t think they were chicken pox or measles though that’s what they remind me of).

    • Hi, Lucy. I wonder if it is an allergic reaction. A few years ago I got small bumps on my hands and wrists that itched reaIy bad. It turned out I was allergic to the dish soap I was using. I changed dish soap and everything was okay. Later, I became sensitive to my laundry and bath soap, too. I can also break out from things in the air like fresh cut hay.

      • Not sure if this is related, but I ended up covered in those type bumps and it turned out to be ringworms. We had a new kitten that was a carrier, not presenting them himself. My doctors said that they couldn’t be that since there so many of them. Well, it turned out to be the case. I used lotions for athletes foot (they are treated the same). Just a thought…

        I’m on here looking to see why my skin burns. Ive had Fibromyalgia for 30 years and doctors never connected an intolerance to sunlight could be the problem. If you hear of anything related, please let me know!

        Best of luck finding a treatment for your itch!
        I totally understand you pain!!


    • That’s how mine are on my legs. The recent dermatology I saw thought bedbugs because they tend to go in lines of 3. But I don’t know how those would have gotten in my house and I’ve looked for signs and nothing.

    • I just started getting this symptom like bug bites. I get them right before a fibro flare and so far it’s always in the same place on my knee. I’ll get 1 or 2 at a time and itch like crazy. Looks a lot like chicken pox!

    • I get them daily. I went thru all of the allergy testing because I was told by my doctor it wasn’t linked to anything I have. I am a type 2 diabetic NLD and fibromyalgia. They have me on Zyrtec, Zantac and singular ever morning and Zyrtec Zantac and Benadryl every night along with my other meds, they’re still convinced it’s just allergies but now that I’m hearing more stories like yours I’m beginning to think it is definitely fibromyalgia related. Seems to be in the general area where my pain is the worst sometimes and sometimes just everywhere in general. Went to er several times and they treated me like it was an allergic reaction and hives and sent me on my way. Going back in to see my neurologist soon tho.

    • YES! That’s what I have currently and it’s driving me crazy. My partner says he has no bites on him, because I was wondering if we had bed bugs. My spots start similar to a mosquito bite, but then look more like a rash or chickpox. ANd horrible burning itch! I have them on my foot, one on my thigh, and a couple on my neck. What is going on??

  7. I was so sick of itchy skin that I would try anything but I now use the Aloe & Jojoba Therapy from Made From Earth. It has calmed my itchy skin it has a nice smell not over powering.


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