CBD Hemp Oil for Fibromyalgia: Treatment and Side Effects

Published: // Updated: March 13, 2021

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(Guest Post) For those who haven’t heard of CBD, or Cannabidiol before, it’s actually one of 85 chemical compounds known as cannabinoids that are all found in the cannabis plant. Unlike THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), the other famous byproduct of marijuana, CBD isn’t psychoactive.

CBD Hemp Oil for Fibromyalgia: Treatment and Side EffectsPin

Many studies have revealed that CBD shows potential health benefits for various health conditions, and some of them are symptoms of fibromyalgia, including pain. While research on this kind of treatment is lacking, many patients are already using CBD as a dietary supplement for their conditions and have been reporting benefits from using it.

1. What is fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia is a chronic disease that affects about 4 million US adults – mostly women, according to CDC. Its symptoms are chronic pain, insomnia, migraines, constant fatigue, joint pain, sleep disorder, emotional as well as mental distress, irritable bowel issues, and more. Anyone suffering from fibromyalgia will tell you that it is a real nightmare.

The worst thing is this nightmare never ends – there’s no cure for this condition. It can only be effectively treated and managed, and treatment options focus on pain management.

2. Can CBD be used as a treatment for fibromyalgia?

Typically, sufferers are prescribed one of only three medications approved specifically for the treatment of fibromyalgia; Cymbalta, Lyrica and Savella. However, those using the medications report that they stop working after time/don’t work at all or are too addictive.

Due to this situation, many patients opt for CBD products to treat their fibromyalgia. They are finding that marijuana products are safer, work better, and have fewer side effects than the prescription medications they were previously using.

It’s not a myth made up by some random guys to encourage people to buy CBD products – in fact, some researchers have found that cannabis plays an important role in treating fibromyalgia.

A 2008 study pointed out that CBD have had the ability to block spinal, peripheral and gastrointestinal mechanisms that promote pain in headache, fibromyalgia, IBS and related disorders.

In another study, the researchers focused on comparing the experiences of fibromyalgia patients that used CBD or cannabis on regular basis and patients that didn’t use it at all. Its findings revealed that there was a statistically significant reduction of stiffness and pain, improved relaxation, and an increase in feeling of well-being and somnolence in those used CBD or cannabis on regular basis.

If you intend to use CBD to treat fibromyalgia symptoms, it is recommended that some best delivery methods to be vaporizing or sublingual tinctures since the CBD will be delivered immediately into the bloodstream. You can also consume CBD in a number of forms including, cbd vape oil, gummies (edibles), topical and more.
On average, 5 – 10 mg of CBD is a good, low dose to start with. When you have got used to CBD, increase the dose as needed until you reach the desired effect.

3. Are there any side effects?

Generally, CBD has few negative side effects, and if there are, they are likely to be very mild and not at all life-threatening.

Here are some common side effects associated with CBD:

● Dry mouth
● Slowed digestion
● Low blood pressure
● light-headedness
● Drowsiness
● Hallucinations

Nevertheless, it’s always a good idea to take CBD the first few times at home when you don’t have to drive, in case you do experience some negative side effects.

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CBD Hemp Oil for Fibromyalgia: Treatment and Side EffectsPin


Even though the potential of CBD in treating fibromyalgia is very promising, the research involving this theory is still in its primary stages. You can take this as a new approach to relieve painful and debilitating symptoms of fibromyalgia, but don’t forget to start slow and be careful.

Joseph RollinsPin

Guest Author: Joseph Rollin

Joseph is the founder of Pure Green Living, a leading CBD/420 related content magazine based in California. His ambition is to see the 420 trends become widely legalized into the mainstream.

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5 thoughts on “CBD Hemp Oil for Fibromyalgia: Treatment and Side Effects”

  1. I started taking CBD oil as of late 2017. I have noticed that it has actually helped with digestive issues for me. Now as far as the pain goes I’m still experimenting with that but it has as well helped with anxiety and depression.

    • Hi, Julie. I have been using a lotion with CBD lotion for a while. It helps with pain quite well. I started taking CBD capsules a month ago and it really helps with anxiety for me too. Your comment made me realize that it has helped with my digestive issues also.

  2. One big thing that I’d like to point out is that CBD alone has not been proven as effective for fighting fibro. It seems that like many other conditions, only a full-spectrum product is an effective medication. The entourage effect plays a big role in relieving the pain that cripples those who suffer from fibro.

    • I must say I completely agree. I have tried it all in desperation to ease the pain and only one that has worked is from mypainaway in the UK. I think you become desperate after years of agony and despair!!

  3. Rollin, thank you so much for such detailed insights into how CBD oil method can affect people when it comes to treating fibromyalgia. Many people may have misunderstood its impacts and consequences without reading this article.


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